We are commercial distributors for El Transcantábrico, Costa Verde Express, Tren Al Ándalus, El Expreso de La Robla, and Transiberian…
Office hours

M-F 09:30 - 14:30 / 16:30 - 19:30

(0034) 913 095 131

M-F: 09:30 - 14:30 / 16:30 - 19:30

C/Ricardo Ortiz 14, Madrid (Spain)

Transcantábrico Train, Itineraries, Prices, and Reservations 2024
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The Transcantabrico

A journey on the Transcantabrico Grand Luxury through northern Spain, traversing the Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias, and Galicia.

The Transcantabrico train It is considered one of the most luxurious trains in the world since its creation in 1983. In 2024, it will mark 41 years since its inception along the railway tracks of the Cantabrian coast in northern Spain.

In 2011, it was converted into a luxury tourist train (The Transcantabrico Grand Luxury), and in 2014, it was distinguished in London with the award for the ‘Most Luxurious Train in the World,’ an accolade granted by prestigious international experts.

Converted into a luxury tourist train in 2011, the Transcantábrico runs along the northern coast of Spain from San Sebastián to Santiago de Compostela and vice versa.

Comfort, glamour, gastronomy, culture, relaxation, luxury, and fun; those are the characteristics that best describe the Transcantabrico train. Eight days of travel through the Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias, and Galicia. Discovering spectacular cities and places in northern Spain, from San Sebastián to Santiago de Compostela, and from Santiago de Compostela to San Sebastián.

Discovering new and spectacular landscapes while traveling, enjoying the rich gastronomy of the area, taking excursions with accompanying guides… new places every day without the need to pack and unpack luggage, it’s the best way to travel with all the luxury details on a train with history.

We are official commercial distributors of the Transcantabrico, Costa Verde Express, Al Andalus train, La Robla Express, and other luxury and charming trains around the world.

IMPORTANT NOTE: due to the anticipated increase in demand for the Transcantabrico train for the 2024 departures and the limited capacity of these unique trains, we recommend that if you are interested, you make your reservations well in advance.

Mapa Ruta Transcantabrico


The route of the ‘Transcantábrico Grand Luxury’ through northern Spain:

During the journey of the Transcantábrico Grand Luxury, you will be able to enjoy the spectacular landscapes offered by northern Spain. The train will be very close to the sea, amidst mountains, beautiful green valleys… and in famous locations, some of them UNESCO World Heritage Sites, you will have the opportunity to visit historic city centers, cathedrals, churches, charming streets and squares, museums, and historically significant ports.

Videos of the Transcantábrico

Discover the Transcantábrico Grand Luxury

The Transcantábrico Grand Luxury: an exclusive journey

Enjoy aboard the Transcantábrico Grand Luxury

More about the Transcantábrico Grand Luxury

The Transcantábrico Grand Luxury through Northern Spain

Itineraries 2024